I met Gary in cross country or track in our freshman year. We were so committed to getting in shape that we would regularly run to my house, break out the craps board and begin practicing betting strategies. Gary knew more about it than I did so he showed betting odds and how to make more money when the numbers hit (and lose more when they didn't hit).
During our sophomore year I got a cocker-poodle puppy and we tormented him by tossing a tennis ball back and forth just over his head. When he could, Sam would open his mouth wide and clamp down on the tennis and try to play keep away. He would also catch the moving ball using the same method which usually resulted in him flipping head first over the ball. We had a lot of fun and many laughs teaching the little puppy the joys of chasing a ball which he did until he chouldn't any more at age 15 1/2. There are many family accounts of family softball games that were interrupted by outfielder Sam who played keep away when he got the ball.
One summer I took a bus ride to Clear Lake where the Koppel's had a cabin and a dock for the ski boat. Gary actually got me up on water skis where I tried and failed to avoid a few face plants into the water. There's nothing quite like being dragged through the water with the mouth open. I swallowed a lot of Clear Lake with no ill effects. We had a lot of fun and I'm greatful to the Koppel family for the opportunity.
Thanks a lot old friend; I'll catch up with you on the other side.
Kenneth Jorgensen (Jorgensen)
I met Gary in cross country or track in our freshman year. We were so committed to getting in shape that we would regularly run to my house, break out the craps board and begin practicing betting strategies. Gary knew more about it than I did so he showed betting odds and how to make more money when the numbers hit (and lose more when they didn't hit).
During our sophomore year I got a cocker-poodle puppy and we tormented him by tossing a tennis ball back and forth just over his head. When he could, Sam would open his mouth wide and clamp down on the tennis and try to play keep away. He would also catch the moving ball using the same method which usually resulted in him flipping head first over the ball. We had a lot of fun and many laughs teaching the little puppy the joys of chasing a ball which he did until he chouldn't any more at age 15 1/2. There are many family accounts of family softball games that were interrupted by outfielder Sam who played keep away when he got the ball.
One summer I took a bus ride to Clear Lake where the Koppel's had a cabin and a dock for the ski boat. Gary actually got me up on water skis where I tried and failed to avoid a few face plants into the water. There's nothing quite like being dragged through the water with the mouth open. I swallowed a lot of Clear Lake with no ill effects. We had a lot of fun and I'm greatful to the Koppel family for the opportunity.
Thanks a lot old friend; I'll catch up with you on the other side.